
Friday, May 27, 2016

Random Fridays: Summer 2016 Reads
Hello, everyone! I'm joining up with Random Fridays for the first time in a while to tell you all about my summer 2016 reads. There isn't a ton coming out this summer that I'm really excited about . . . but there are a few things, as you'll soon see.

Summer 2016 Reads

1. The Ghostfaces by John Flanagan (June 14).  
Ok, so this one sounds like it'll be pretty hit-or-miss for me. I mean, the four reviews it has on Goodreads all say it's really good, but the premise . . . I don't know. It sounds like the Heron band will find themselves in the fantasy equivalent of North America, which could be pretty cool. I think a lot of how much I like this book will depend on how the author handles the Mawagansett tribe, but I could be wrong. (It's also possible that part of my uncertainty about the book is the fact that I really don't like the U.S. cover for the book- thus why I have some other country's cover here on the blog.) 

2. The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman (June 14).  
Libraries are, of course, awesome. And an invisible library sounds even better, except that it might be a little hard to read the books in it. Jokey-ness aside, the blurb for this book promises an inter-world library (which is apparently powerful enough to have its own spies; why can't real libraries be that awesome?), alternate realities, potentially a mystery-suspense vibe, and a whole lot of awesome. So, I'm definitely excited!

3. White Sand by Brandon Sanderson (June 21).
So I usually don't read graphic novels . . . but it's Brandon Sanderson and Cosmere and, seriously, I need it now please. I'm especially excited since this'll give us some background on Khriss, at least, and possibly Hoid as well if I'm remembering correctly. So that should be awesome. 

4. Age of Myth by Michael Sullivan (June 28).  
So I honestly have no idea what to expect from this one- I've never read anything by this author, though I have heard a little bit about his other books. But the premise of the book sounds pretty cool, and it's marketed as being for fans of Brandon Sanderson, so I'm willing to give it a try if I get the chance.
5. Five Magic Spindles (Sometime in summer? Probably July? I can't find a release date at all.). 
 The previous two Five Something-Somethings collections have both been amazing, and I'm sure Five Magic Spindles will be no exception. I'm not completely certain which of the stories I'm most excited for; the previous two books both surprised me with which I liked most and least. But Out of the Tomb sounds the most unique, and The Ghose of Briardale sounds quite intriguing as well.

6. Ghostly Echoes by William Ritter (August 23).  
Ahhhhhh! I'm sosososo excited for this one! Sadly, I'm going to be away from my library when it comes out (nooooooooo!), but I'm going to make sure to get my hands on it somehow. Storms, I'll buy it unread if I have to. That's how excited I am about more Jackaby and Abigail and mysteries- and also hearing more about Jenny's past, which should be awesome. And can we all agree that the cover is absolutely gorgeous? I mean, all the books in the series have wonderful covers, but this is the best yet.

 What books are you looking forward to this summer? Please tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)  


  1. OH OH I'M EXCITED FOR THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY!! I hadn't heard much about it...buuuut, I keep seeing it pop up here and there, and let's face it: books about books are ALWAYS going to be a win. XD I'm probably going to buy it next time I make an order. *shrieks* As for what I'm reading...(Well, it's winter here, but hehe) I'm really keen to read The Rose and the Dagger (but it's a sequel and I *think* I should re-read the first book because I DON'T REMEMBER ENOUGH). And I'm currently re-reading The Scorpio Races. <333 Which I think is even more beautiful the second time around. AHHHH. BOOKS. :D

    1. I'm hoping very hard that my (non-invisible) library gets it in a timely fashion. I don't like taking risks on books with my own money.
      Ooh, The Scorpio Races. :D That was a lovely book; I'm sure you're enjoying the reread! I've seen The Rose and the Dagger on Goodreads and debated reading the first in the series . . . so many books, so little time.

  2. i am so so so excited for the Invisible Library like I'm going to cry it sounds so amazing jsjdjwfjfhdfjf. I need to buy or preorder it or someTHinG ahHH. Hopefully I'll actually finish my TBR this summer, so I can start with a clean reading slate next school year :D


    1. It does sound awesome. :D How many books are on your TBR? That sounds like it could be a difficult task, depending.
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. GREAT bunch of books!
    I'm in the middle of reading The Ghostfaces and am reeeally enjoying it so far. If you read the Author's Note at the end he actually apologises if anyone is offended by the way he portrayed the tribes-people and several other things, so that's actually really good. (Plus, that's the Australian cover you've got there) :)

    1. Thanks!
      Really? That's good to know. (And I thought it was . . . wasn't totally sure, though.)


I'd love to hear your thoughts! But remember: it pays to be polite to dragons.