About the Blog
Dreams and Dragons began in 2011 as a private site for me to share my writing, photography, book reviews, and life in general with a carefully selected group of friends and family. It remained such until spring of 2013, when I temporarily made the blog public as part of an application to a summer creative writing class. During this time, a friend from the internet stumbled upon Dreams and Dragons and commented on how much she liked it. From there, one thing led to another, and in April of 2013 Dreams and Dragons went permanently public.
In its current form, Dreams and Dragons is a repository for various bookish, writer-ish, and life-ish ramblings, including lists; short stories, snippets, and novel excerpts; a monthly Doings posts; book recommendations and reviews; character interviews; and even the occasional blog tour. I typically aim for one post a week, usually on Fridays. Most weeks, this will be either a list, one of the aforementioned Doings! life updates, or my quarterly On the Taleweaver's Desk writing updates.
About the Blogger
My name is Sarah Pennington, and I am a Taleweaver.
As that may suggest, I am a writer, one who, as Shakespeare put it, "gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name." As such, I spend a considerable amount of time chronicling the adventures of the various inhabitants of my imagination and the miscellaneous details of the worlds in which they dwell. Most of my work is some form of fantasy, typically retellings of fairy tales or other classic stories. I have published several books, which you can learn about on my author website or my Amazon page. My sixth book, Through a Shattered Glass, received a Realm Award in the Novella category of the 2023 Realm Awards.
Of course, you cannot be a writer without being a reader as well, and I would say with C.S. Lewis that “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” I read in the same genres I write, but with a bit more variety in my dabbling. My favorite authors include J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Anne Elisabeth Stengl, Brandon Sanderson, Diana Wynne Jones, W.R. Gingell, Kendra E. Ardnek, Wyn Estelle Owens, and Bryan Davis. I am a firm believer in the idea that dragons make everything better.
Surprising though this might be, writing isn't my only job. I also work as a graphic designer and communications assistant at a mid-sized Methodist church, where I design, edit, and occasionally write everything from weekly email updates to Sunday slides and bulletins to flyers and signage. I also maintain the church's website . . . and, by virtue of being the youngest and most tech-savvy person present, provide the occasional quick burst of technical support to others in the office.
When I can find time outside of writing, reading, and my day job, I enjoy photography, crafting (mostly knitting, crochet, and embroidery, with occasional ventures into making jewelry and cards), and baking. While I'm not a hipster, I would like to point out that I liked sourdough baking before the pandemic made it cool.
I am an ISTP/J, a former homeschooler, and more. I'm a little weird, but that's ok. Like Mistborn, we writers need not make sense . . . at least not outside our stories.
Most importantly, I am a Christian, a daughter of the Great Author of our world. While I'm not perfect, I do my best to bring Him honor in all areas of my life, whether writing or blogging or just having fun with my friends. And I hope that through this blog, in my dreams of dragons and magic and wonder, you will come to see Him a little more clearly.