Hi, everyone! Friday has come around once more, and that means it’s time for an update on my life! So, a summary of my week:
· My new story is going fairly well. I have had several brainstorms on it, along with scattered bits of inspiration (thus the post title). I have also done some very enjoyable character building for my characters. In the process of writing this story, I have learned that writing dream sequences is very fun. I should’ve tried it long ago.
· I am debating on whether or not to start an Easter story in my Tales of the Great King series. In case anyone is unfamiliar with this title, the Tales of the Great King series is a set of stories that are about people in an unnamed world similar to a medieval version of our own. My plans for it are to make a set of Biblical parodies of stories such as the Easter story, the Garden of Eden, and several other Bible stories which I haven’t decided on, then follow these up with a much longer set of tales about people who live afterward. These tales mostly involve how different people come to follow the Great King (God), though there are some other storylines too.
· I like Jaci Velasquez a lot more than I thought. I have been listening to one of her albums, Live Out Loud, quite a bit this week.
· My math book is driving me crazy. Enough said.
Well, that’s about it. Thanks for stopping by! Please comment on my work and tell me what you think!