Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top Ten Tuesdays: Books I Want to Read (But Don't Own Yet)

As a rule, I don't buy books I've never read unless I'm very familiar with the author and/or series. This usually doesn't inhibit my reading much; my local library has a lot of the books I might want to try, and what I can't find at the library, I can often borrow from my friends. Unfortunately, my system doesn't work all the time, especially when the books I want to read are recent debuts, self-published, or both. So, here are all the books I want (sometimes terribly) to read but can't. Yet.

1. The Word Changers by Ashlee Willis
Girl reads book. Girl gets stuck in book. Book characters are rebelling against the Author and the Plot. Can I just say: ridiculously awesome idea?

2. Resistance by Jaye L. Knight

3. One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul
For a while, my library had all of Donita K. Paul's books. Then they stopped buying her new books. I was not happy.
4. The River of Time series by Lisa T. Bergen
5. The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet by Stephanie Morrill 
As a rule, I do not read contemporary fiction. But as an author who has, on multiple occasions, threatened to put annoying people into her stories, reading about someone who actually does that sounds pretty fun. 
 6. Kestrel's Midnight Song by J.R. Parker
7. Quest for the Ivory Sword by Emmarayn Redding
Several of my friends have written and self-published books through CreateSpace or other self-publishing programs. Quest for the Ivory Sword is one of these, and it's one of the ones I most want to buy, since Emmarayn hadn't posted the story online beforehand, as some people had.
8. Stasis by J. Tobias Buller
Another self-published book by a friend. It just came out for Kindle a few days ago, and it looks awesome.

9. Tattered Heart by Annie Jackson
10. Relic by Heather Terrell

11. The Ryn and The Remedy by Serena Chase
I keep hearing so many good things about these books, but I just can't seem to get my hands on them.
12. Five Glass Slippers by multiple authors
There you have my list! What about you? What are some books you'd like to read but can't (yet)? Please tell me in the comments!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)