Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Gift for You!

Hello, everyone! You like free books, right? (Of course you do. Who doesn't like free books?) Well, as a special gift to her readers- and as part of the Ten Years of Rizkaland celebration- Kendra E. Ardnek is setting several of her books for free on Kindle in the coming week!

First of the free books: Kendra's recent release Water Princess, Fire Prince. You might remember that I was part of the blog tour for this book back in August, and I can guarantee you: it's a super fun story and well-worth reading. It'll be available for free today, Christmas Day, only, so make sure you pick it up before it's too late!

Kendra also has three of her other books for free: The Ankulen and the first two Bookania tales: Sew, It's a Quest and Do You Take This Quest?. I've only read two of these three, but I quite enjoyed them. Sew is a retelling of many and various legends mixed together, all set off by one fairy godmother's mistaken gifts. The Ankulen is a very unique story of a girl who's lost her imagination and- a bit unwillingly- sets out on an adventure to recover it. All three of these books will be available from Christmas Day until December 29th.

Finally, we have six short stories, none of which I've actually read yet. These will be available for free starting the 27th and will go back to normal price on New Year's Eve.

Enjoy these free books, and have a merry Christmas Eve!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)