Friday, January 29, 2016

Do You Remember Me?

Do You Remember Me?
To the friends who I've lost and who've drifted away . . . I might only mention three people here, but it's for all of you. Not that you're going to see it.
  Do you remember me?
The girl who you played games with
Every Tuesday night?
Do you remember me?
The girl who looked up to you
And copied all you did?
Do you remember me?
The girl who would try anything
If you suggested it?
Do you remember me?

Do you remember me?
The girl who sat beside you
And called you her best friend?
Do you remember me?
The girl who competed with you
And always came out even?
Do you remember me?
The girl who wrote you letters
‘Til you didn’t write back again?
Do you remember me?

Do you remember me?
The girl who chatted with you
Across the internet?
Do you remember me?
The girl with whom you roleplayed
As long as there were stories to be told?
Do you remember me?
The girl who seemed to come from
A home so unlike your own?
Do you remember me?

Do you remember me?
You’ve probably forgotten
As your life moved on.
Do you remember me?
I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t;
I forget things too.
Do you remember me?
Whatever you may answer,
I’ll still say the same:
I remember you.


  1. This is so deep, and so, so hard-hitting for me. I hate letting go of friends, and I hate it when we drift away. It's so hard... Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know . . . it's the worst, I think, when you don't actually say goodbye, when you just, as you said, drift away. Because at least if you say goodbye, you know it's over.
      I'm glad you enjoyed this.

      (BTW . . . how'd you find this blog?)

  2. Wow Sarah, this is so beautiful. Sad too, but still beautiful. I love it!

  3. Aww, this is so beautifully written and sad. I feel this way with many of my friends. We were close, but then they became different... I became different... and that's just one of the natural and hard things of life. I suppose we can always be thankful for the new friends that come our way. (and the ones that stay.)

    1. In my case, it's more that we lost the main place we saw each other, and our efforst to keep in touch just weren't enough . . . but yes, I'm very grateful that people continue to come into my life, and that I've held on to so many friends.

  4. Ahh.... this makes me feel sad! Heaven knows I know what this is like. :( Well written indeed. Well don't worry- We may have never met in real life, and probably never will, but I don't tend to forget people who make an impression on me. :)

    1. Sorry for making you sad, but I'm glad you liked it. :)
      Never say never- there's always a chance we might encounter one another. Slim, but a chance. Thank you, though. <3

  5. I relate to this on a level that I shouldn't. But this was beautifully written, it puts all of those feelings into one amazing, well collected piece. <3


    1. p.s- just followed your blog! it's simply fabulous :D

    2. What do you mean "on a level that I shouldn't"? Just out of curiosity. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though, and thanks for following my blog!

  6. Such a bitter sweet poem! I think that everyone can relate to it in one way or another. Great job! :)


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