Friday, June 23, 2017

Summer 2017 Reads

Hey'a, everyone! Summer is officially here (even though it feels like it's been here for a while), and with the new season comes a new books! Even though I'm still catching up on the spring releases, I'm pretty excited about some of the novels coming out in the next few months. And, as usual, I'm using today to showcase some of the ones I'm looking forward to the most.

Before I get started on that, though, a quick note: I plan to do Camp NaNoWriMo this July despite the fact that I'm probably going to be running all over the place throughout most of that month. If anyone is interested in being in a cabin with me, please tell me in the comments!

And with that, this summer's releases!

Summer 2017 Reads

1. The Girl Who Could See by Kara Swanson (June 1)
Ok, this one's technically already out? Which I didn't realize until just now. But June releases count as summer and I am definitely looking forward to this book. It sounds like it might be urban fantasy, which I really want to read more of, but I think it also has a touch of portal fantasy? And I'm generally super curious to find out what it actually is. Also, I don't judge books by their covers, but that cover is gorgeous.

2. Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser (June 6)
So this one is also already out, but in all fairness, I didn't even find the book until recently. It does sound pretty unique, though! Pirates and politics and ship-board fantasy- all things I've read a little bit of (or a lotta bit of), but generally not all together. I look forward to seeing what this holds.

3. Exiles by Jaye L. Knight (July 14)
Prince Daniel! We get to see more of Prince Daniel! I can't wait! Hopefully that'll mean twisty court intrigue as he tries to avoid his sister's attempts to discredit him, but even if it doesn't, I really like Daniel, I was quite disappointed that he didn't show up that much in the last two books, and I can't wait to see more of him here. It sounds like he gets his own subplot, basically, so yay! Of course, I want to see what the rest of my favorite characters are up to as well, especially Jace and the Altair boys. Well, Altair men; Marcus, Liam, and Kaden aren't really boys at this point. And maybe this'll be the time that I buy the book when it actually comes out instead of getting it half a year later . . .
4. The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell (July 18)
So this has urban fantasy and historical fantasy and time travel and heistiness and secret societies and if not for the fact that it also sounds like it'll be kind of dark, I'd say it was another of those books that could've been written just for me. Dark or not, it sounds awesome, and we've got magic in modern New York and in early 1900's New York and a heroine who can manipulate time and travel in time and just give me the book now please.
5. The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana (July 18)
 So the reviews for this book on Goodreads are not exactly fabulous. However, the premise is pretty cool. It's got an Indian-ish setting, which is definitely different and something I'd love to see done well, and a magical library, which is always a good thing. Apparently one of the characters, Thala, is also especially cool? We'll just have to wait and see how this goes.

6. Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody (July 25)
Again, this sounds like it'll probably be pretty dark. I mean, anywhere called the "Gomorrah Festival" can't possibly just be sunshine and daisies, you know? But it's also a fantasy murder mystery set in a circus-city and it sounds absolutely fascinating. I am always down for a good fantasy mystery. Let's just hope it doesn't get so edgy that I have to set the book down . . .

 I'm mildly confused by the fact that there are apparently no books coming out in August that I'm looking forward to? I mean, yes, there's enough coming out in the previous three months to keep me busy, but still, usually August has something. Do you know of anything I missed, in August or another month? If so, please tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)