Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer 2024 Reads

Hello, all! As promised, I return briefly from my semi-hiatus to spotlight a new season's upcoming reads worth getting excited about. While summer isn't quite as exciting for me as Spring 2024 was, there are still quite a few stories I'm very much looking forward to. (And, I mean, Spring 2024 is going to be really hard to beat.) So, let's get started and see what summer 2024 has in store for us.


Summer 2024 Reads

1. Splintered Mind by W.R. Gingell (June 3). W.R. Gingell is giving us another spinoff of her City Between series, and let me tell you, I am so, so hyped. This one is also set in Australia (Melbourne, to be exact), and it apparently involves madmen and tentacle monsters and a heroine who sounds delightfully practical and grounded (exactly what one needs in a world so full of weirdness as Between). As a bonus, you can enjoy this series without having read City Between, so it's a great jumping-in point for newcomers. Gingell is launching this via Kickstarter, and there are a few days left to back the project — but if you miss the deadline, the book will release wide later in the year, so you'll still have a chance to get it.

2. Hearts of Stone and Steel by Jenelle Leanne Schmidst (June 25). I am, of course, very much looking forward to returning to the world of Turrim for Book 3 of the Turrim Archive! Especially considering where Book 2 left off . . . yeah. The adventure and the stakes just keep getting bigger, and I know the story will keep getting better along with it. (Also: there is a ROBOT on that cover, and I want to know what's up with that.)

3. DOSA Files Anthology (June 27). Y'all should already be aware of this one, since it includes one of my stories — but for those who missed it, the DOSA Files is an anthology of short stories set in the world of H.L. Burke's Supervillain Rehabilitation Project series and spinoffs. It includes stories from ten different authors, and I can confirm that the ones I've read are so much fun. The Kickstarter ran most of last month, and the book will be available for wide release in just a few days! The blog tour for this book is going on right now, and it includes interviews, giveaways, and more, so make sure you check it out.

4.  When a Dragon Comes Calling by Claire Trella Hill (June 28). Speaking of spinoffs set in the same world as something I love: When a Dragon Comes Calling is the first in a series of romance-focused fantasy novels set in the same world as The Erlking's Daughter (which you may remember me raving about back in March/April). It's a short little snack of a novella, but sometimes that's exactly what you want. Claire Trella Hill is currently two for two in terms of writing books that I absolutely love, and so I have high hopes for this one as well — it's next on my TBR list after I finish reading Murderbot.

5. City of Serpents by Christina Baehr (July 14). Can y'all believe that there's only two books left in the Secrets of Ormdale series? I can't, but I am so looking forward to the next installment! What will happen when Edith's cozy Gothic life meets the shadows of a mystery-type story and the strangeness of mad science? I don't know, but I'm sure it's going to be delightful and exciting. I'm also looking forward to learning more about Janushek, who's been a very interesting character so far. And, of course, I'm excited to see even more new dragons and to find out how Edith will deal with them!

6. Beauty from Embers by Pamela Hart (July 16). Here we have another Kickstarter, this one launching in mid-July (though you can sign up now to be notified when it opens). While this looks very Asian-fantasy-esque, the blurbs suggest that's it's more of a science fantasy — with some strong allegorical elements as well, both of which sound appealing to me. Beauty from Embers is book two, but I do plan to pick up Beauty from Ashes, the first book in the series, at some point.

7. Iron Rose by Abigail O'Bryan (August 6). This appears to be O'Bryan's debut. It's a Beauty and the Beast retelling, which is always exciting — however many takes I see on this tale, I'm always curious when I come upon a new one. This story seems like it'll lean dark, which isn't always my preference, but it should also lean epic, and I definitely like that. I'll be keeping my eye on this one!

8. A Bond of Ice and Sunshine by Sarah Beran (August 9). This is a sequel to My Fair Mermaid, which released as part of last year's Stolen Songs Arista Challenge group. It focuses on Freddy and Eliza, and as I predicted, it's a Snow Queen story  . . . unexpectedly mixed with King Thrushbeard, a fairy tale I do not see retold often enough. Needless to say, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how Sarah Beran blends these two tales (and to seeing Freddy get the happily-ever-after he was hoping for in the last book; he is an absolute ray of sunshine, and he deserves the happiest of endings).

9. The Mhrann's Mantle by E.G. Moore (August 12). While I haven't read the series this is part of, this story does sound pretty interesting — from what I can tell, it's a science fantasy story (maybe?) with some Asian inspiration and, if I'm not mistaken, it's a spy story. All of those elements sound intriguing, and I hope that they'll combine well. And I will probably be looking into the rest of the series too . . .

10. Come by Water by Claire Trella Hill (August 30). We wrap up the season with another release by Claire Trella Hill! This is another romantic fantasy Tales from Karneesia story, but this one is a retelling of Tam Lin, and I am so looking forward to it! Much like King Thrushbeard, Tam Lin is a story I feel like I don't see retold half as often as I'd like, and I'm very excited to read Claire's take on the tale!

What book releases are you excited for this summer? Am I missing any? Please tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading!