About the Book

Hidden in the vast mining valley north of Valcré, a faithful crete has spent years sharing his knowledge with the destitute miners and their families and is known to possess what may be Arcacia’s last surviving copies of the King’s Scrolls—the Word of Elôm. Joining the cretes, those in Landale must find the crete teacher and bring him to safety, but it is a race against time. Should Daican’s men find him first, execution and the destruction of the Scrolls is certain.
When disaster strikes, all seems lost. Could Elôm have a plan even in the enemy’s triumph?
Available on
About the Author

You can connect with Jaye on her website, blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Etsy.
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Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, like your hobbies, how you got into writing, your favorite books (besides your own), or just anything else you’d like to share?
Jaye: I’m a single country girl in my mid-twenties and hail from the Northwoods of Wisconsin, which is often called the Frozen Tundra this time of year. Ick. Yeah, winter and I don’t have a fond relationship. But I do love cheese and the Green Bay Packers! I’m a full-time writer and make a bit of jewelry and sell on Etsy on the side. That takes up much of my time, but I do like to read, go hiking, and sew historical clothing and costumes. I started writing when I was eight and then decided I actually wanted to be an author when I was about thirteen, thanks to reading The Lord of the Rings. The trilogy is my all-time favorite as far as books go. Movies too. I also absolutely love the Books of the Infinite series by R.J. Larson. And Chasing the Lion by Nancy Kimball. Those are my top three favorite picks. I’m currently reading through The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson and have totally fallen in love with Kaladin, the main character, so that has already made my favorite books list. Besides writing, I really love history, hence my historical clothing I make. I love to take part in historical reenactments. I also love music. I’m a huge fan of Skillet, Building 429, Ashes Remain, Jeremy Camp, and Aaron Shust. Oh yeah, and I collect old oil lamps. I’m a bit obsessed with them. :)
What was your favorite part of writing The King’s Scrolls? What was the hardest part?
Jaye: In this book, I got to involve Kyrin’s older brothers, Marcus and Liam, a lot more. They were introduced in Resistance, but didn’t really have a part in it. That all changes in The King’s Scrolls. I LOVE sibling interaction. So I think that was my favorite part of this book. The hardest part was definitely some of the emotional scenes. This book is sadder than Resistance. It has a purpose, but it was still hard to write at times.
How much do you plan out your novels? Have your characters or plot ever surprised you? If they have, can you tell us about it?
Jaye: I’m definitely not an outliner, so I don’t do any really in-depth planning before I begin writing. I do take a ton of notes though, and through them I usually get a pretty good idea of all the major plot points I want to hit. Then I just fill in the rest as I go. I get surprised by my characters and plots all the time. Do you have any idea how many of them have gone and fallen in love with each other without my say so? Quite a few of them. I can’t complain though. I love it when my characters have minds of their own. One of those particular characters is one introduced in the book named Talas. I didn’t really know anything about him, but he completely took over the moment he stepped into the scene, and I adore him for it.
Ooh, I'm excited to find out about him! If you could meet one of your characters and spend a day with him or her in the world of Ilyon, who would you choose and where would you go?
Jaye: Ah! This is always so hard to answer. I think I’d have to go with Jace, since he’s my favoritest (typo intended) of all the characters I’ve ever written. I’d love to go out hiking with him and learn some of the knowledge he has for the forest. However, aside from Jace, my obvious choice, I’d probably choose either Kaden or Talas. Kaden reminds of my brothers in ways, so it would be fun to hang out with him. And Talas, well, he’s Talas! He’s so friendly and fun. I couldn’t not want to just hang out with him. Plus he has an awesome dragon so we could go flying! :D And I’d love for him to take me to see the crete cities in Dorland since they’re built in the trees and I’ve always dreamed of living in a treehouse.
Wow, that sounds really awesome! When reading Resistance, I noticed a few interesting parallels to the book of Daniel. Were these intentional? Are there similar parallels in The King’s Scrolls?
Jaye: It was not intentional, but definitely not a surprise since I was studying Daniel around the time I was writing Resistance. I would say there are Biblical parallels throughout Ilyon Chronicles. In The King’s Scrolls, I have a character named Timothy who was heavily inspired by Timothy in the Bible, which was intentional. I’ve had a fascinating with Timothy for quite a while, so it was fun to weave that into the story.
Thanks for the interview, Jaye! I'm definitely more excited than ever to read The King's Scrolls, and I'm sure my readers are too!
Some other exciting news: for the length of the tour, Jaye is running a giveaway for an Epic Winter prize pack. Including books, music, tea, and more, this prize sounds pretty awesome. Also, for those who still need to read the first book in the Ilyon Chronicles series, the Kindle version of Resistance is on sale for 99 cents!
Share in the excitement of the release and enter to win a
themed Epic Winter giveaway! Prize pack includes an autographed copy of The King’s Scrolls, a CD by Future World
Music (some of Jaye’s favorite writing music), a dragon bookmark, a stone hawk
pendant (much like the ones mentioned in the book), and a few packages of
Twining’s Winter Spice tea to sip while you read! (Giveaway is open to US residents only. Cannot be shipped
Kindle Sale
Haven’t begun the adventure into Ilyon? From February 17th -
23rd, get Resistance , the
award-winning first book of Ilyon
Chronicles for your Kindle on sale for only 99 cents! Check it out on Amazon!
Finally, don't forget to check out the other blog tour stops! Today's other stops will include To Be A Person, Leah’s Bookshelf, The Destiny of One, Reflection, One Servant's Heart, and Venturing to Other Worlds. For the full list, check the blog tour page at Jaye's site.
Thanks for stopping by to celebrate the release of The King's Scrolls with me! Happy reading!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)