Hello, everyone! It's day one of the Golden Braids blog tour, in which we celebrate five new retellings of Rapunzel — including my own, but that's not for a few days yet. Today's release: Kendra E. Ardnek's Hair We Go Again, book five in the Bookania Quests. I really, really love this book, and I'm sharing my thoughts on it (as well as the other books in the release) over at Light and Shadows. Here at Dreams and Dragons, on the other hand, we're interviewing two of the characters from the book . . . but first, a little about the book and author.
About . . .
Hair We Go Again!

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Kendra E. Ardnek!
Kendra E. Ardnek loves fairytales and twisting them in new and exciting ways. She’s been or acting them on her dozen plus cousins and siblings for years. “Finish your story, Kendra,” is frequently heard at family gatherings. Her sole life goal has always been to grow up and be an author of fantasy and children’s tales that glorify God and His Word.Find her online at: Website || Blog || Goodreads || Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Newsletter || Instagram || Amazon
Interview with Eric and Lukas of Winthrop
Hello, your highnesses! Welcome to the blog! To start off, can you tell us a little about yourself? Who you are, what you do, maybe a random fact or two?Eric: I'm Prince Eric of Winthrop, and this is my older brother Lukas, who just reappeared after being missing for six years. My wife is the best swordsman in the world.
Lukas: Really, that's the best you can do? Brag on Robin? Well, in that case, my wife has the longest hair in the world. Or ... she used to.
Eric: Let her skip a couple haircuts. She can get there again.
Hey, Robin is worth bragging on! Speaking of, what would you each say is your brother's best trait? Worst trait?
Lukas: Eric is very charismatic and a natural leader, but he doesn't like admitting when he's wrong.
Eric: Lukas is ... intelligent. But he's too passive and likes to avoid problems.
Interesting. As readers discover in Hair We Go Again, you two have had a bit of a rivalry going on for some time. Has that conflict always been present, or was there some moment or event that set it into motion?
Lukas: It wasn't always present. I used to adore my younger brother. But then he grew up and became insufferable.
Eric: Let's just face it, you're petty over how many things I'm better than you at.
Lukas: That is not the word I would use.
Ooof. If you two could do anything and go anywhere for a day, with the caveat that you had to spend that day together, where would you go and what would you do?
Lukas: Well, that would end in disaster.
Eric: Lukas never leaves the library if he can help it, so it'd also be pointless.
Ah well. It was worth a try . . .What would you say was the best part of your adventures in Hair We Go Again? The worst part?
Lukas: I would say that the best part is that I've finally returned home after so many years spent wandering. The worst part is that I apparently returned at the time when Eric was at his most brick-headedness.
Eric: I ... can't actually argue with that one.
Yeah, not surprised. Last question! If you could go back to the start of the story and give yourselves one piece of advice, what would you say?
Lukas:I would tell myself to go more north and not take the detour I did.
Eric: I would ... try to listen to Robin more. Prioritize her over my father. After all, she is my wife and if my father can't understand that level of commitment, well ... that's his problem. He's the one who wanted me married.
Ha! Good advice, both of you. Thanks for answering my questions!
And many thanks to all of you for stopping by! So, tell me, are you excited to read Hair We Go Again? What are you most looking forward to? Please tell me in the comments, and don’t forget to check out the rest of the tour posts and enter the giveaway!
Have a lovely day!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)
Blog Tour Stops: August 5
Knitted By God's Plan - Five Reasons To ReadLight and Shadows - Five Reasons To Read
Christina and Camera + Mini interview!The Language of Writing
The Labyrinth + Mini interview!
The World of a Writer
Reality Reflected - RobinThe Rambling Rose - Rapunzel
Dreams and Dragons - Eric+Lukas
Or find the full list of stops here.