Hello, everyone! I hope y'all had an excellent Thanksgiving (or an excellent Thursday, if you live outside the USA).
Now, I have a two questions for you. Do you need more books? And, do you like discounts on your books? Trick question; I already know the answer to both of those is yes. (Or, it probably is if you're like literally every other book-lover I've ever met.)
Since the answer is yes, go ahead and hop on over to the Perry Kirkpatrick Black Friday book sale! This sale contains dozens of ebooks discounted to $1 or less (some might even be free)! Some authors also have signed or discounted paperbacks on sale, so check those out.
As part of the sale, two of my books — Blood in the Snow and Mechanical Heart — will be available for $0.99 as ebooks. So, if you don't already own them, now's a great time to pick them up! (The Midnight Show is not technically part of the sale, but will be available for $0.99 starting on the 29th and ending December 3 — originally it was going to be, but things didn't work out with Amazon. It's included in this post because then you can find it more easily.)
(Alternately: if you don't care about sales, but you're starting your Christmas shopping now . . . you know what makes a great gift? Books. Especially paperback books. Especially paperback books by indie authors containing fairy tale retellings full of adventure, friendship, and magic. Do you see where I'm going with this?)

Blood in the Snow
Her destiny is decided — but betrayal breaks even the best-laid plans.

Mechanical Heart
Can you save someone who doesn’t know if she’s alive?

The Midnight Show
This mystery is the case of his dreams — and her nightmares.
Happy browsing! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have Christmas decorating to do.
Thanks for stopping by!