Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Frosted Roses Release Tour: Spotlight on Snow Songsmith


Hey'a, all! As you have probably gathered, it's the first day of the Frosted Roses blog tour! This week, six new retellings of Snow White and Rose Red, all written as part of the 2020 Arista Challenge, release into the world. We'll be celebrating these releases with all the usual elements of a blog tour, including a giveaway, which you can find on the main tour page. The winner will receive paperback versions of four of the Frosted Roses and a necklace made by Erica Bennet, so make sure you get your entries in!

Today's book is Runaway Lyrics by C.O. Bonham, a steampunk adventure featuring twin sisters and magical music. I'll be spotlighting one of the two main characters, Snow Songsmith, but before that,  let's get the details on the book and author.

About . . .

Runaway Lyrics_nightmare gothic font

Runaway Lyrics

What one sister has, she must share with the other . . .

Snow loves music. She has spent her entire life learning, new instruments and memorizing new pieces, only to while away her life in a country manor with only her mother and twin sister as company. If only she could get out on her own and play in front of a real audience.

Rose loves magic. The things she can do with music would amaze her twin sister, but whenever she shows her, Snow quickly forgets as if the event had never happened. If only Rose could get out on her own and work some real magic.

When an airship crashes near their home, Snow’s magical abilities awaken. Together the sisters must learn to use their magic, rescue a pair of cursed princes, and discover their own secrets. Discover the magic of music in this retelling of Snow White and Rose Red.

Find it on: Amazon || Goodreads

C. O. Bonham

C.O. Bonham is the pen name for a commonly misspelled first name. She loves stories of all kinds, but really likes the ones that are weird, and outside the norm. A certified book geek, when she isn’t writing stories of her own, she is busy reading stories by others. A homeschool graduate with a degree in creative writing, her goal is to create stories that make people think, feel, and have fun.

Visit www.cobonham.com to read author interviews, book reviews, and to hear about what she’s working on next.

Sign up for her newsletter to make sure you never miss an update!

The Frosted Roses

The Frosted Roses are six retellings of the Snow White and Rose Red fairytale, each one fantastical and magical. You don't want to miss any of them! You can learn more about the books and find the full tour schedule on the tour page.

The Frosted Roses are the result of the 2020 Arista Challenge. The Arista Challenge is hosted by Kendra E. Ardnek; it invites fairy tale authors to come together in community as they work on unique retellings of a selected fairy tale.

Spotlight on Snow Songsmith

Snow Songsmith could easily be the main character of Runaway Lyrics. She goes through the biggest character growth as she loses faith in herself and then finds it again.

Snow has studied music her whole life. She can sight-read, memorize and has mastered most instruments. So it really bothers her that Mother refuses to let her study at the national music conservatory. What was all that study for, if not to use her gift?

Actually, Snow is pretty gifted at anything she tries to learn. She isn’t an engineer, but she seems to know how things go together. Whenever their mechanical butler, Roburt, breaks down, it’s Snow that knows how to fix him.

Later, Snow learns she has magical abilities. Even stranger, Rose, her twin sister, has these same abilities, and seems to have known about magic the whole time.

Over the course of the book, Snow learns her powers are out of control and dangerous. Rose uses her powers for good and to aid in their quest. Snow’s powers only seem capable of destruction and death.

Can Snow learn how to control the magic and not let it control her?


Snow definitely sounds like an intriguing character, wouldn't you agree? Are you excited to meet her? Which Frosted Rose story are you most looking forward to? Please tell me in the comments! And remember to visit the rest of the tour stops and enter the giveaway!
Thanks for reading!

September 21 Tour Stops

Fantastical Notions - Rose
Mae Heller - C.O. Bonham
Character Spotlights:
Rachel Rossano - Bayare
A Splash of Ink - Rose
Live. Love. Read. - Wickham
Dreams & Dragons - Snow
Guest Posts:
Laura A. Grace - Becoming the Musician
Deeply Shallow - How the Dwarf Kept His Beard
Ellwyn's Blog - The Magic of Music