Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wags, Woofs, and Wonders Anthology Update

Hello, all! So, if you preordered the Wags, Woofs, and Wonders anthology, you probably recently received a notification that your order had been canceled. If you did, don't panic — the anthology is still happening. Unfortunately, Uncommon Universes Press, which was publishing the anthology, shut down this week. (Read more about that here.) That means a lot of things for the UUP authors . . . but, thankfully, it's not the end of the anthology, which will now be published by Fellowship of Fantasy.

Every dog has its day.

Is there anything as faithful or loyal as a dog? Always ready to lend a paw, cuddle up next to you, or chase away foes (because their noses know!).

This feel-good collection features eight magical stories of whimsical, true-hearted, and rascally hounds. From a blind dog with surprising gifts to a watery pup with a winsome secret to a fiery hound, ready to test his new dog-sitter to his limits. Danger may lurk, but don’t worry! Every story is guaranteed a heartwarming, happy ending.

This sixth anthology from the Fellowship of Fantasy and Uncommon Universes Press showcases incredible authors dedicated to telling doggone good fantasy fiction that will make you laugh, sigh, and cuddle your own furry friend.

Releasing July 6, 2023

Preorder the ebook on Amazon | Preorder the ebook elsewhere | Add on Goodreads

If you already preordered the book, you will need to preorder it again. The paperback will, I believe, be available on Amazon and possibly via other retailers on or around release day. Additionally, the change in publishers mean that ARC signups are open again! Click here or contact me directly in the comments or my socials if you'd like to receive an ARC in exchange for an honest review, and keep an eye out for more ways to help spread the word about this release. If you have any questions, feel free to leave those in the comments!
Thanks for reading and for understanding about this unusual circumstance.