Monday, September 23, 2024

Lost Kerchiefs Release Week: The Handmaid's Blood

Hello, friends! Welcome to release week for the Lost Kerchiefs Arista Challenge! Aka, the week in which we launch seven new Goose Girl retellings into the world and hope they land well. For this week, I'll be sharing snippets and fun facts here on Dreams and Dragons, while Light and Shadows will host interviews with each of the authors. We're starting out the group release with Kendra E. Ardnek's new short story, The Handmaid's Blood, a villain-twist retelling featuring compulsion magic, political intrigue, and an unexpected alliance. Read on to learn more, including some behind-the-scenes info from Kendra on how The Handmaid's Blood came to be!

About . . .

The Handmaid's Blood

Three drops of blood bind her to the princess’s will.

But three drops of blood bind the princess to her mother’s will. And when her mother’s will is to travel to the neighboring kingdom as a bride to its doom, the princess sees only one way out. Can the handmaid carry on the charade long enough to prevent a war? Or is compulsion magic not even enough to disguise a handmaid as a royal?

Find it on: Amazon || Goodreads || Full Series

Kendra E. Ardnek

Kendra E. Ardnek is the self-proclaimed Arista of Fairy Tales. Having just gotten married and moved across the state, she doesn’t know who she is anymore, but once she figures that out, she fully intends to create a new author bio just as silly as her previous bio.

Find her online at: Website || Blog || Goodreads || Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Newsletter || Instagram || TikTok || Tumblr || Amazon 

The Handmaid's Blood Fun Fact: Changing Plans

While I knew from the start that this retelling would involve compulsion-flavored-blood-magic, I didn't have much else set in stone for this retelling. I really thought that the princess was going to be evil and the handmaid's quest for freedom was going to be the center of it. However, as soon as I sat down to write, I discovered that the handmaid was actually sympathetic to the princess and happy with her lot, and it was the princess who felt trapped. 

Then I had the issue that the original setup for the princess's mission was just a little too close to Elindala's goals in Pumpkin War, and just a little too vague for me to properly foil within the word constraint of the Once Upon a Twisted Time tales. It was actually this plot point that held me in a writer's block coma right up until the day before I needed to upload it to Amazon, when I suddenly realized that there was a much simpler scheme that the queen could employ to get her war, and then everything fell into place from there. I did have a hot minute where I didn't think Falada was going to properly make his way into the story, but then the handmaid and princess both wandered their way into the stable and I knew I had my Goose Girl retelling. 

So, all told, I think this was a fun first stab at the fairy tale, and I should do it again sometime. 


Are you excited about the Lost Kerchiefs releases? Have you ever changed your plans on a project at the last minute, and how did that work out for you? Please tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading!


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