Friday, April 26, 2013

A Winning Week

This week has been a week of finishing things.

First of all, I won Camp NaNoWriMo on Tuesday, April 23rd, with a wordcount of 50,127 words! As a reward, I bought myself the Owl City album All Things Bright and Beautiful from iTunes, which I've listened to at least once a day every day since then. (In case you couldn't guess, I really like Owl City.) Please don't get my winning Camp NaNo confused with my having finished my Camp NaNo novel, though. I still have a long way to go before that will happen.

I've also been finishing up a lot of school subjects. I took my last science test yesterday, and my last history test today. (Huzzah!) I'm nearly done with literature as well; I only have the final left. 

Of course, since school is winding down, that means that it's time to start thinking about summer plans! I'm going to take a writing class this summer, which I'm quite excited about. I'm also hoping to do the second Camp NaNoWriMo session in July if I have time, though I'm not sure if I will, since the writing class runs through July, and I'm also helping a friend with a project during that month. Other than that, however, I'm hoping for a fairly quiet summer with plenty of reading, writing, and knitting.(We'll see how well that works out.) 

What about the rest of you? If you're doing Camp NaNoWriMo, how are your wordcounts? Do you have any summer plans you want to share?

Calo anor na ven!*
- Sarah

*May the sun shine upon your road!