Friday, January 17, 2014

Random Fridays: Simple Beauty
Hello, everyone! This week's Random Friday theme is Simple Beauty. For this post, I'm challenging myself to write a short poem, probably a haiku, to go with each picture. I can't promise how good they'll be, but I'll try my best. Here goes!

Butterfly leaves dance
As they flutter away from
The coming winter.

Tall green mountains reach
For the heavens, towering
Over our small world.

Small flower stretching
Towards the bright sunshine,
Reaching towards life.

Into the forest,
Home behind, journey ahead,
We follow the Path.

 Watch the sun lifting
Over the mountains, chasing
The darkness away.

Well, there you have it. Hope you enjoyed my poetry (or at least didn't think it was terrible). Thanks for reading!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)
Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)

Want to join in the Random Fridays fun? Feel free to make a post of your own on the week's topic! Please just be sure to use the Random Fridays banner, link back to Awkwordly Emma, and post the link to your post on the Awkwordly Emma blog so other participants can check out your post. For a list of future Random Friday topics, click here