I'll start with the bottom two shelves of my larger bookshelf. This is where I keep all my classic books, other than LOTR.
The next shelf up contains more variety in terms of genre than the entirety of my other bookshelf.
The top two shelves of this case also contain a conglomeration, though with less variety of genre.
On the top we have fairytale retellings and similar, as well as three Ranger's Apprentice books that wouldn't fit on the shelf below. The second shelf contains dystopian and/or sci-fi books and most of the Ranger's Apprentice series.
Now we move on to my other (smaller) bookshelf, which is devoted exclusively to one genre. I'm sure you can guess which genre it is.
Bryan Davis is the only author whose books get a shelf all to themselves, mostly by virtue of his having written more books than any other author I read other than Brian Jacques, whose books occupy the next shelf down. The Inheritance Cycle books also reside on this shelf, since I know I won't be getting any more Jacques. I own almost all of his books, and most of those I don't own, my sister does Also, fun fact: the only one of the books on the lower shelf that I bought new was Redwall, which is almost hidden behind Mattimeo. The rest? Library book sales (aka the best place ever to find cheap books, at least in popular series).
This is the top two shelves of the smaller bookcase. The upper contains mostly Tolkien and Batson, with a few other authors. (The empty space is where Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers should go, but my sister is currently borrowing those books.) The lower shelf contains various Christian fantasy.
Finally, my desk has two shelves, which are partially occupied by books and partially taken up by miscellaneous other items.
The right side of my desk contains photo albums, devotionals, and two Bibles on the top section, which is usually guarded by my Gandalf and Bilbo Christmas ornaments. (They're too awesome to put in boxes all year. After this Christmas ends, Thorin will join them.) Below them are some of my notebooks and folders and such. All those black notebooks have already been filled- they're the first drafts of my fairy tale retellings and the third and fourth Berstru Tales. The rest are still waiting to be used.
And finally, my favorite section of shelves, despite the fact that it's the smallest:
Goldstone Wood and Brandon Sanderson. I'd put Tolkien here too and have all my favorites together, but I didn't want to run out of room. I predict that one day, this section will have taken over the entire top shelf of my desk- and except for the fact that I'd then have to find somewhere else to put the other books, I look forward to that time.
I hope you all enjoyed that little tour of my shelves! Now it's time for me to nominate others for the Shelfie Tag. I choose:
Charlotte of Winding Passages
Jag Swiftstorm of From a Jagged Inkwell
And if you're reading this, haven't already done the tag, and want to participate, feel free to do so! I'd love to see your shelves!
Thanks for reading!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)