Thursday, March 29, 2012

Writing Plans and Such

Hello, everyone! I’m finally posting an update on what I’ve been doing! And yes, I know it’s not Friday, but I decided to do it now before I forget or keep putting it off.
  • ·        My writing is going very well. I’m almost done with one story and about halfway done with another. In order to make sure my writing keeps going well, I’ve made an hour a day writing requirement for myself. With this in place, I hope to have both stories done by Easter.
  • ·        What will I do after Easter, then? The answer is go back to writing novels. My current plan is to start work on the sequel to my NaNoWriMo 2011 novel either on Easter or the day after Easter, with a requirement of eight to ten pages a day. If all goes well, this will have me finishing the novel in about fifty days. After this, I plan to work on the sequel to Gone at the same rate, which should result in being finished with it in about twenty to twenty-five days. After this point, I have no plans except to make sure that if I start a novel, I finish it in time for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. Whether or not I will stick to this plan after I finish the first novel I mentioned, however, remains to be seen.
  • ·        Speaking of Camp NaNoWriMo, I’ve already started trying to decide what I’ll write for it. At the moment, one thing I’m strongly considering is giving the remade fairy tale plotline another try. As you may know, my first book, Rosa, was a remake of Snow White. Since then, however, remaking fairy tales has been pushed aside. This has changed in the last few months, however, when I’ve thought about trying to do a remake of either Rapunzel or The Twelve Dancing Princesses. However, whether or not I actually write them, like whether or not I stick with the plan I mentioned earlier, is a matter of some doubt.
  • ·        In non-writing-related news, I’ve been doing some photography, though my photo assignments were neglected in the past two weeks. I recently enjoyed going to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens to photograph tulips and bluebells. Though my bluebells didn’t turn out as well as I hoped, the tulips turned out lovely and I posted some pictures of them on Monday.
Well, that’s about it. Thanks for reading and for your patience in waiting for an update.