Sunday, September 25, 2011

An Update, Finally!

Hello, everyone! I’m finally here with an update on my life!

·     On Labor Day weekend, we went to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, and to Lexington. While we were in Lexington, we went to the Woodrow Wilson Birthplace and Museum, which is near Lexington. I found both places interesting, and I’m not sure which was my favorite.
·     Hero, the novel that I’m doing my best to write, has been going much better. I’ve gotten a considerable amount of work done on it, and have discovered quite a bit I didn’t know about my characters and their relatives. I’ve also found out that even something as simple as a girl visiting her grandmother can be very dramatic.
·     Less enjoyable for me was the fact that school started on the 6th. Luckily, it is going fairly well. Grammar/Writing and Vocabulary are the same as ever, as is my Literature. Surprisingly, my Math is . . . (make sure you’re sitting down) . . . actually pretty interesting! This is mostly due to the fact that I’m doing Geometry instead of Algebra this year. I’m much less excited about my History, but since I’m used to being unexcited about my history, I don’t mind too much.
·        AWANA started on the 11th, and I am once more doing the Trek program, as well as helping out in T’n’T. Trek is the program that comes after T’n’T, and though our church doesn’t have an official Trek club, it does have one or two people who do the Trek books on their own.
·        Last weekend, our church had a 5k Walk and Run and a Fall Fest. Although I didn’t have much of anything to do with the 5k, I did enjoy the Fall Fest, despite the fact that it was rather chilly. I ended up spending most of my time helping out with my Youth Group’s bake sale, which was very successful.
·        Some of you may remember that back in August, I was asking for opinions on which photo I should enter in the HSLDA photo contest. The photo I chose can be viewed here. Since it ended up as a finalist, it will be displayed at Patrick Henry College.

Well, that’s it. Thanks for stopping by!