Like most other bookworms, great books make their way onto my "things I'm thankful for" list every year. It's hard to choose favorites, but I went ahead and picked five books I read in 2015 and am thankful for.
- Omega Dragon by Bryan Davis, because Bryan Davis's books are amazing, basically. And because even though I'm sad that this series of series is over . . . I'm thankful that I got to read it, and that I have books that can strengthen my faith so very much.
- The Warden and the Wolf King by Andrew Peterson, because I was scared of how it might end- and justifiably- but it was amazing all the same. Amazing and beautiful and marvelous and wonderful and terrifying in places, but still shining with light even in the darkest places.
- The Penderwicks in Spring by Jeanne Birdsall, because this book is deep and beautiful and heartbreaking. I read it and then I listened to the audiobook and I might've cried a little during the audiobook and I never cry over books. I read The Warden and the Wolf King and I was sad and yelling "Nooooo! No, no, no . . . whyyyyy?" . . . but I didn't cry. But for Batty, I cried.
- Reflections on the Magic of Writing by Diana Wynne Jones, because it's so rare for me to come across a nonfiction book that I love so much.
- The Ryn and The Remedy by Serena Chase, because I've been wanting to read it for years and hadn't- but now I finally have, so huzzah!

What awesome reads of 2015 are you grateful for? What books are you looking forward to reading in 2016?