Golden Daughter is out!
Masayi Sairu was raised to be dainty, delicate, demure . . .
and deadly. She is one of the emperor’s Golden Daughters, as much a legend as
she is a commodity. One day, Sairu will be contracted in marriage to a patron,
whom she will secretly guard for the rest of her life.
But when she learns that a sacred Dream Walker of the temple seeks the
protection of a Golden Daughter, Sairu forgoes marriage in
favor of this role. Her skills are stretched to the limit, for assassins
in the shadows, and phantoms haunt in dreams. With only a mysterious
Faerie cat
and a handsome slave—possessed of his own strange abilities—to help her,
Sairu shield her new mistress from evils she can neither see nor touch?
For the Dragon is building an army of fire. And soon the heavens
will burn.
I was fortunate enough to get an influencer copy of Golden Daughter, and let me tell you: it's every bit as awesome as the description makes it sound. You need to read it. (Though if you haven't read the rest of the series, read them first. Then you can read Golden Daughter.)
Also, for some extra awesomeness, Anne Elisabeth is celebrating Golden Daughter's release with an ebook special on her novella Goddess Tithe.

For a limited time, the Goddess Tithe ebook will be available for only 99 cents. I reviewed this book when it came out, and it's also quite good. Once again, I highly recommend it.
You can purchase Golden Daughter or Goddess Tithe at these links:
Golden Daughter on Amazon
Goddess Tithe on Amazon
Golden Daughter at Barnes and Noble
Goddess Tithe at Barnes and Noble
Happy reading, everyone!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)