Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NaNoWriMo Day 12

Wordcount: 25411
Words Written Today: 1328
Words I Still Need to Write Today: 339
Writing Music Obsession: The Lord of the Rings soundtrack.

It's funny how stories never seem to go quite how you expect them to.

The story I'm writing now, I've told myself in my head a hundred times. Each time it happens just a bit differently, but it's still the same story. So, when I set out to write it down for NaNoWriMo, I figured that I knew pretty well how it would play out.

But the scenes I've written in the last few days, possibly in the last week, are ones I never imagined. I didn't plan them. They weren't there when I told the story in my head. Yet here they are, appearing on paper. They came partially because I had gaps in my plans and I needed something to fill them, but they're also changing the course of the story ever so slightly. Hopefully, they're making it better.

In a way, these unexpected scenes are one of my favorite parts of writing a novel. I love writing the scenes I've been planning since before I even started the story, yes, but the scenes that just happen are exciting in a whole different way. They often reveal things about my characters and plot that make me think "Oh, wow! I never thought of that before!" Sometimes, they end up being my favorite scenes in the entire novel. And sometimes I look back and realize "You know, this is a mess", but, hey, as long as it's a fun-to-write mess, I'm ok with that. (At least until I have to edit . . .)

Have you encountered any unexpected scenes in your stories? How have they changed what you were writing? Please tell me in the comments!
-Sarah (Leilani Sunblade)