Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo, New Tales, and Travel

Hello, everyone! I've returned, with another update on my life!
  • I have officially started NaNoWriMo, and it's going very well! I've stayed on track and I'm actually almost a quarter of the way through already, thanks to the high daily goal I set for myself. Surprisingly, I'm actually writing it in third person POV, without an antihero. This is the first time I've done this since I wrote Rosa last summer. NaNoWriMo, by the way, is also the reason for my remodeling my blog, in case you didn't guess.
  • I'm reading The Errant King! The Errant King, in case you didn't know, is the latest book by Wayne Thomas Batson. I've been looking forward to it for a very, very, very long time (since last November/December), so when I discovered that it was out and my friend would lend it to me, I was extremely excited. I started it yesterday morning, and since it's a long book and I had to work on NaNoWriMo and such, I still haven't finished it. However, it is amazing thus far, definitely one of his best books.
  • In addition to The Errant King, I also got to read the latest book by John Flanagan, The Outcasts. While I haven't been waiting as long for this one, I was still very excited, and I was not disappointed by the book. It was better than I expected, and I almost like his new series better than the Ranger's Apprentice series.
  • Last weekend, we went to White Sulpher Springs for a retreat. It was very fun, especially since it snowed on the Saturday we were there. I got plenty of writing done, got to take part in an awesome snowball fight, played several awesome games with one or two of my friends and her family, and learned a new game that I was talking about the rest of the evening after playing it. Also, did I mention the fact that the food at White Sulpher Springs is awesome?
  • On Halloween, we went to Chuck-e-Cheese for dinner with our Bible Study group. It was very fun, especially since I got to see some of my friends who I hadn't seen in about two weeks or longer. I have also decided that Chuck-e-Cheese needs a fantasy-adventure game, the kind that you just keep putting more tokens in for longer time, but they need it to give out tickets. That, in my opinion, would be awesome.
Well, that's about it. Thanks for stopping by!