Hi, everyone! I’m back, with an update on what I’ve been doing, and an explanation of why I switched the normal update schedule for today and Friday. Why? Well, read on to see!
· My story is going ok. I’ve got two of the three girls together on arguing terms, at least, and the third is on her way. Unfortunately, I didn’t get much work done on it this weekend, only a paragraph or so.
· What I did do this weekend, however, makes up for that. You see, we went to White Sulpher Springs this weekend. White Sulpher Springs is a hotel run by Officer’s Christian Fellowship, and it has retreats for various holidays throughout the year. We’ve been there several times in the past, so I was very excited about going. Unfortunately, it rained the first day, so that wasn’t much fun. Fortunately, it was warm and sunny the second day. While we were there, I got to see one of my pen-pals, which made the weekend much better and made up, more or less, for the rain.
· On that note, spring weather is finally here! It’s supposed to be in the eighties all week here! Although, that might be more along the lines of summer weather. I, personally, don’t really care. I’m just glad that it’s warm at last.
· I have found two new books to read: The Emperor of Nihon-Ja by John Flanagan, and The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber. The former is the final book in one of my favorite series, Ranger’s Apprentice. The latter is a new book which I received a recommendation on from a friend. I am very excited about these, since I’m haven’t read anything new in weeks.
Well, that’s about it. Thanks for stopping by! Please comment and let me know how your Easter was. I’d love to know!